Broken Toe
Traveler Blog

Look for weekly blogs about Peg’s travel adventures.

Talking to Spirit

I love digging into healing with all of you, especially when it leads to deep conversations that reveal what I can share next in my blog. Guess what? YOU CAN HAVE A RUNNING CONVERSATION with God, Spirit, the Universe, angels, your guides, or all of the above all day long, …

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Hop Aboard the Struggle Bus

Not sure about the rest of you but there are some weeks I struggle to stay focused and have coherent conversations. The state of the world is rendering me speechless. Then I remember I am a healer and an ordained minister. I should know what to do to help this …

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Photo Credit to JD Mason
How to Drop In Energetically

I was on the phone with a client today and she inspired this blog post. The hardest part of being a healer is how to explain this energetic world I live in and sense because it can’t be seen with the naked eye. Here is my attempt: Every day have …

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Breakdown of a Remote Healing Session

I’ve gotten so used to what I do for a living, I forgot most people don’t have a clue what Reiki or Earth Energy is. I thought I’d break down a session for you so you understand what I’m seeing, sensing, and why everyone should do energy work as part …

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What is My Hara Line?

This past weekend, I was reminded about the power of our hara line during a workshop about Core Light Healing, Barbara Brennan’s third book. Hands of Light and Light Emerging were my textbooks in healing school. If you would like to understand more about yourself and your energy field and …

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Sorry and I Mean It

I’m reading the book Hold On, But Don’t Hold Still by Kristina Kuzmic which holds so much wisdom and positive messages for parents. This one passage in her books talks about her struggles to get it all right, and how she has “failed as a mother many times.” Haven’t we …

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Time to Breathe

Today is one of my closest friend’s birthdays, which got me thinking about this wild ride we have all been on for most of 2020- Covid 19. It has brought into sharp focus what really matters – for me it’s relationships: the text, email or phone call that gets you …

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A Wish for Peace

Having a hard time watching the news? Sleeping? I’m with you. Trevor Noah shared some wisdom in a recent post where he said “society is a contract.” There is a group of people who follow common rules and agree to live together under them. Basically for “black American people they …

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Memorial Day

Today stirs up mixed emotions deep within me. The meaning of the holiday “a day of remembering those who died while serving in the military” has become for some a day to have a BBQ. I wrote a blog about collective grieving and know the power of this and what …

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