Time to Breathe

Today is one of my closest friend’s birthdays, which got me thinking about this wild ride we have all been on for most of 2020- Covid 19.

It has brought into sharp focus what really matters – for me it’s relationships: the text, email or phone call that gets you through a rough day, someone remembering your birthday, or sending you a funny gift.

It’s hard not to focus on what we’ve lost but today I am thinking of what I have gained- TIME.

When we lose all structure to our days, and the ability to go to all these events, time slows down. It makes me think we have all been rushing around too fast, myself one of the worst culprits. My friend whose birthday it is calls me a hummingbird, I just go a thousand miles an hour, and never stop. And, you are going so fast, you don’t realize you are leaving people in the dust. Now I know there is a whole other world out there. One where you have coffee on your porch reading a good book, or a quiet sunrise walk, deeper conversations with my husband, children, friends and family. I’ve meditated, and spent time teaching my girls how to cook.

This gift of time has also reminded me to take deep breaths and connect with myself. This immediately drops me out of fear and into a knowingness that all will be well.  I don’t know how or when this pandemic will end but I know slowing down, breathing deep and taking care of yourself and your loved ones is the way through. One hour, one day, one week at a time.

Don’t forget to take time to breathe deep today!