January 1, 2023
Happy New Year! I have always wanted to write a travel blog and share my love of new faces and places. Four years ago, my husband and I were on a hike and I was telling him how much I wanted to write and travel and combine the two into a blog. Just about the time we were in conversation about what I should name it, I slid on a rock and tripped. His deadpan response was the “Broken Toe Traveler.” I laughed out loud since everywhere I go I seem to stub or break toes, the name fits! I am not the most graceful.
Some may ask why I am adding it to my personal website, and the answer is- travel is a deep part of who I am and usually involves an experience that heals some deep part of me or leads to finding new aspects of myself. For a lot of us it is hard to manage our lives, our families and loved ones and be on a healing journey. To me this journey involves self-reflection and self-care. Hard to do with a child chirping “Mom” or someone needing help with homework.
What I will say is travel doesn’t always mean you pack a suitcase and fly off to far flung locations. Today’s travel for me was a ten minute drive, but worlds away from my day to day life. Walking the beach, breathing in salt air and listening the seagulls call one another was good for the soul. Salt air clears your sinuses and is good for your lungs and skin. WIN-WIN!
If you are on a trip to ring in the New Year, take a moment and reflect on the past year and what you envision in the year ahead. One of the biggest keys to manifesting is to have a clear, precise picture of what that is. I look forward to sharing with you my Broken Toe Traveler adventures this year and hopefully with my new walking sticks I can avoid falls!
With gratitude,