Broken Toe
Traveler Blog

Look for weekly blogs about Peg’s travel adventures.

Trees Tell the Truth

Some of you know that I love trees, and sometimes take photos of them because they are so beautiful. Now you might think that is odd but let me share some truths about how we are much more like trees than we realize: Tree roots are deeply connected to the …

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We have seen this catchy phrase popping up all over but what does it actually mean and why should you care? In my healing work, I have seen time and time again people really wanting to heal, going to hours of therapy and trying all kinds of different healing modalities, …

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Collective Grieving

After a week of what I call “rough seas” in my own life, I took a moment to myself to drop in and ask what is happening. These are the two words I got out of my meditation. “Collective Grieving.” The world is experiencing massive loss, not just a nation, …

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I don’t know about you but sometimes when I read a book, I want to learn something new, or have AHA moments that stretch my boundaries or create a new narrative of who I am. Untamed by Glennon Doyle had several AHA moments for me. The basic message for those …

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It’s OK to NOT be OK

My sister is full of wisdom and when she said “It’s OK to NOT be OK” last week it stuck.  For most of us, we are now at least a month into our “Stay at Home” time and some of us are not doing well. There are some people who …

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Support Those Who Need Extra Courage

I am not sure about you, but I haven’t felt I have been doing enough to help during the Coronavirus. It’s easy to keep thinking something isn’t yours to deal with until it shows up on your front doorstep. I knew to stock up on supplies, freeze some extra meals …

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Celebrate You

Today is my birthday! I am 49 years old today. Wow, how did that happen? Some would say I am almost to the halfway mark of my life. That sounds morbid. I would prefer to celebrate me- today. If you had to celebrate you today what would that look like? …

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Choose Ease and Grace

My clients have been asking me “What is happening energetically as a result of the Covid-19 virus?” After meditating, some reflection, and listening for guidance I have a few thoughts to share with you: We are coming together as a global collective. There has always been something that makes us …

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How Travel Reveals Your True Self

I’m currently sitting in an airport marveling at all of the people around me and what travel reveals about them, and of course, reflecting on what it reveals about myself. I get irritated and agitated when I’m super tired or hungry and have to watch what I say or do …

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