If you love to meditate, then go for it. I, for one, do not love sitting down to meditate, and yet, I’m an Energy Intuitive. I know what you’re thinking: “Well, maybe you’re not a good one.” But I beg to differ. It’s not that you shouldn’t meditate, but to connect with your chakras and auric field, there are other ways to do so. When I arrive at my office every morning I “plug in.” I want energy from the earth to flow through my system so I can share it with my clients.
Here are 6 easy steps to plug into earth energy:
1. Stomp your feet. This wakes up your foot chakras and starts the flow.
2. Do small hip circles. Pretend you have a hula hoop on. This starts to move your life force energy, which kick starts your second chakra.
3. Shake your body. Do a shimmy to wake up your third chakra. This is located in your solar plexus and can easily collect energy from family members.
4. Roll your shoulders. Move your shoulders forward and backward to open up your fourth chakra, your heart.
5. Growl. If you don’t want to growl, yawn to get your voice moving in your fifth chakra.
6. Tap your third eye. Your sixth chakra sits between your eyebrows, and your seventh chakra is at the top of your head. Awaken by tapping into your third eye.
Your chakras are now spinning and your field is expanding. (You may even be able to feel energy moving up or down your body.) This short exercise will open up your chakras, expand your field, and connect you to your physical body.
No meditation required.
Shimmy and Shake,