Broken Toe
Traveler Blog

Look for weekly blogs about Peg’s travel adventures.

Goals for 2018

Top 10 Goals What are some goals you want to achieve this week? In a month, in 6 months, in a year? Write your top 10 down! Hang it in your bedroom, on your fridge or bathroom. Make it visible so you have your eyes on the prize! Here’s a …

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Secret Keeping and Lies

When I woke up this morning to the news that Matt Lauer had lost his job amid allegations of sexual assault I found myself in tears.  Where is the moral compass of these people? Why do they commit these acts?  In some ways Matt had been lying to everyone around …

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Positive Affirmations of 2018

Positive Affirmations Write 10 affirmations about yourself to start 2018 strong! Positive affirmations lead to self care which lead to a healthier YOU! Here’s a printable just for YOU! Love, Peg (Right Click on a PC or Ctrl Click on a Mac the above images and save to disk)

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